Troy Keilig, AIA

Troy Keilig, AIA, President, AIA Nebraska

Hello everyone and welcome to 2024.

My name is Troy Keilig and I will be serving as your 2024 AIA Nebraska president. The AIA Nebraska Board of Directors and I hope everyone had a great holiday season, and we hope everyone is as excited for 2024 as we are.

Our strength as a chapter relies on a committed and engaged membership. Our committees have done amazing work the past few years, and we want to continue to strengthen these efforts. To achieve this, AIA Nebraska Board of Director members will serve as liaisons on each of our committees this year. This is a new addition to our committee structure, with the goal of heightened support for the work of the committees and to strengthen communication. Please take a moment to review our list of committees on our website and see if any of them pique your interest. Reach out if you have any questions or would like to join. We want our membership involved, and new folks are always welcome.

With the start of the new year, we also have the start of a new legislative session. This year is a short session, but that doesn’t mean we can let our guard down. We will continue to monitor all relevant legislation as usual and communicate with the membership any updates or concerns. If needed, we may call on our members to assist in advocating for our profession with one’s respective representatives.

We have many AIA activities on the calendar for 2024, please take time to join us at any or all of these events. I might be a little biased, but I feel the Mid-Year Symposium in Kearney, on April 18, 2024, is a great way to connect with others in the profession and is an early way to start getting those continuing education requirements.

I would like to end with a special thanks to Sara and Tyler for all that they do for our organization and for keeping us all informed.  Their hard work makes AIA Nebraska relevant on the national stage and maintains a connection with other States chapters. Thank you!

I look forward to serving as your president this year. Please contact me if you need anything, I will do my best to help.

Best Wishes for 2024,

Troy Keilig, AIA

2024 AIA Nebraska President

New at AIA