Legislative Day

Join us for lunch!

Please join members of AIA Nebraska, AGC Nebraska Building Chapter, and the Professional Engineers Coalition on Wednesday, February 12 from 12:00pm – 1:30pm to visit with your local state senator. You will also receive 1 AIA HSW or 1 PDH. It will be held at the Hruska Conference Room, located at 635 S. 14th Street, Suite 130.

Street parking is available but may be limited. Parking is available for the event at Trinity Lutheran Church, located at 724 S. 12th Street. We ask that you park on the east side of the lot, nearest that houses. We have 20 spots reserved. Please note, due to potential inclement weather on Wednesday, these spaces may not be available to the lot being plowed.

You can register to attend here.

We hope to see you there!

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