AIA Nebraska
Call for entries for the 2020 AIA Nebraska Excellence in Design Program is now closed.
Registration Deadline: July 23, 2020, 11:59 PM CDT.
Submission Deadline: August 13, 2020, 11:59 PM CDT.
Display Board Deadline: January 21, 2021.
Award recipients of the AIA NE Excellence in Design Awards Program are required to submit at 24×24 foam core display board of the winning entry.
Refunds will not be granted after registration is submitted.
Submission Materials
Download the submission templates here >
Upload your completed submissions here >
Jury members will represent a diverse and inclusive representation from the architectural community, outside the State of Nebraska. The jury chair will assemble a jury of (2) representatives from the Chair’s location or region. The majority of members must be licensed AIA members, and a balance of representation from small, medium and large firms.
AIA Nebraska winning entrants will not be notified in advance. Design Award winners will be presented at the Excellence in Design Gala. The date and location of the Excellence in Design Awards Gala will be announced at a later time.
Winning Entries
AIA Nebraska will distribute news releases on the winning entries. Winning entries will also be required to submit a 24×24 display board to AIA Nebraska.
Questions: Contact Nathan Ehmke, or call (402) 858-1929.
Submission Categories
Excellence in Architecture: Encourage and recognize excellence in all sizes and classifications of single new buildings, restoration, and adaptive reuse designed by an AIA Nebraska licensed architect.
Excellence in Interior Architecture: Encourage and recognize excellence in interior architecture designed by an AIA Nebraska licensed architect.
Excellence in Unbuilt Design: Architectural design work that, to date remains unbuilt. Unbuilt architectural designs of any project type are eligible, including purely theoretical projects and unbuilt client sponsored projects, such as buildings, interiors, transportation infrastructure, and monuments designed by an AIA Nebraska licensed architect.
Excellence in Architectural Detail: Encourage and recognize architectural detail or reinforce an overall building concept in an exceptional manner through use of a particular material, detail, or building technology by an AIA Nebraska licensed architect. A detail from a project submitted for recognition in another category may be submitted in this category if the submission clearly highlights a specific detail.
Excellence in Masonry: Bringing recognition to AIA Nebraska licensed architects based on the technical and creative use of masonry in meeting aesthetic and functional design challenges. Projects are required to have masonry installed by mason contractors. Sponsored by the Nebraska Masonry Alliance.
Emerging Professional – Built & Unbuilt: Recognizes contributions of an emerging professional on a single built or unbuilt project, designed by an AIA Nebraska Associate member (40 or under) or AIAS Nebraska member. Team projects are eligible if every member meets eligibility requirements. All digital and physical submissions, including renderings and slideshows, must be the contributions of the emerging professionals responsible for the project submitted. If an emerging professional was responsible for only certain parts of a larger project, only portions designed by the qualified entrant may be eligible. If a project is submitted for the AIA Nebraska Excellence in Design Awards, it is not eligible for the Emerging Professional Excellence in Design Awards. Meant to recognize young designers, not companies. Entries that are submitted under company names will not be considered.
Regional & Urban Design: Recognizes excellence in multi-building campus design, urban planning and emphasizes its importance in the community. Urban design projects, planning programs, civic improvements, campus plans, environmental programs, redevelopment projects, or other similar projects and programs may be entered. Individual buildings are not eligible. Incomplete or ongoing projects or programs are eligible if a significant portion has been completed, implemented, or adopted by a local jurisdiction or authority. Acknowledging the increasingly interdisciplinary nature of profession, a project in this category may have been led by multiple disciplines. In order to be eligible for this project category, a key member of the design team must have been an AIA Nebraska member.
Twenty-five Year Bi-Annual Award: Recognizes longstanding and timeless excellence in architecture and emphasizes its importance to a Nebraska community. Entries must be a completed building project in Nebraska, a single building or groups of buildings, completed at least 25 but not more than 50 years ago. The building must be standing in substantially completed form and in good condition; it should still carry out the basic original program. It must have excellence in function in the distinguished execution of its original program and in the creative aspects of its statement by today’s standards. Restorations, rehabs, and interior design projects are excluded from consideration. Significant additions to buildings will be considered. Buildings submitted for consideration do not have to be designed by a Nebraska firm; however, the building must be located in Nebraska. Entries must be nominated or submitted by a current AIA Nebraska member. For consideration, the project does not need to be nominated by the firm of record. Projects will be evaluated based on the images and written description only. The jury will not visit the buildings.
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