Honor Awards


Entry: Blue Sushi and Sake Bombers Lounge, Omaha, Nebraska
Firm:  Tom Allisma Productions Inc.
Owner(s): Tom Allisma, Nick Hogan, Tom Buder, Anthony Hitchcock, Tony Gentile
Photographer: Tom Kessler

The original building was built in 1890 and it is located in a historical district of Omaha, the Old Market. The owners of the project are a young group of partners and they like to stay on the leading edge of food and atmosphere. The group started developing restaurants 7 years ago and they continue to strive for edgier concepts. The group traveled to Japan in early 2008 and came back with some inspired ideas about atmosphere and lighting. 

The overall goal was to bring the 1890 building back to its original look, exposed brick and such, which had been covered up in past renovation. The owners also wanted the old building to be illuminated with a modern lighting concept. 

The plan was carefully laid out to accommodate all the needs of the owners for how the business was run.  Illuminated acrylic walls were then inserted in like folding pieces of origami to tie all the areas together. Blue lighting was used on the first floor dining area and red lighting was used on the second floor lounge. Old and new come together through light and material to meld a comfortable yet vibrant atmosphere.

Jury Comments: No-holds-barred translation of a restaurant/bar branding concept straight to a graphic and bold image for a building. A simple stripped down street elevation makes the case for color, and the interior follows through with a vengeance.
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