The 1932 YWCA building is a wonderful representation of Georgian Revival, with the front facade and both east and west returns providing great historical character to N Street and Centennial Mall. By recessing the new structure back, leaving the east return exposed we can not only pay homage to a great piece of civic architecture but also create an entry plaza and focal point at the corner. One of the greatest challenges with this project is to bring the existing YWCA building up to modern standards. By moving the main entry and circulation into the new structure we are able to provide the necessary functionality required to reactivate the historic building and create an interactive play between “New” and “Old”. Using glass to enclose the new structure will not only allow us to create a high-end Class A office space, but also create the poetic reflections of the “Old” in the “New.”
Jury Comments: We like the way it positions a simple form to engage the older building. It redefines arrival by capturing outdoor space within the envelope of the new building as well. We like how it uses both buildings to make lobby and arrival space, and maintains the public edge.